
University of Virginia Health System, nearly in your own back yard.  It’s the next best thing to being there.

What is telemedicine?

Telemedicine is the use of computers, cameras, and telephone wires to connect you with a health care provider located in a different facility.

Why use telemedicine?

You can see a medical specialist without driving many hours or miles to a different medical facility.  The doctor “comes to see you”.

Who can be seen by a telemedicine specialist?

Anyone who is referred by their own health care provider or by any of our health care professionals.

Is it private?

Yes.  A nurse or other health care provider will be present in the room to assist you.  On the specialists end, the doctor and an assistant will be present.

Who do I see?

You will be connected with a specialist from the University of Virginia Health Care System.

How do I get in to see a specialist?

Contact your primary care provider and request a referral to a specialist or contact us and schedule an appointment with one of our health care professionals.

What happens after the referral?

SVCHS will contact the University of Virginia Health System to schedule your next appointment.  Next, we will contact you with your appointment time and any additional information.

What happens after the consultation?

Once the consultation is complete, the specialist will send a diagnosis to your own health care provider.  Follow-up can be done through your own doctor, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant.  When needed, the specialist can be consulted.

How do I  pay for a telemedicine consultation?

  • If you have insurance, your insurance may cover the telemedicine consultation.
  • If you do not have insurance, the University of Virginia Health System has been given a grant to assist patients in paying for consultations.
  • Or for those patients who qualify, there is a sliding fee scale system available based on your earnings

Specialties available through the telemedicine program:

  • Cardiology (heart specialist)
  • Childhood obesity
  • Dermatology (skin specialist)
  • Endocrinology
  • Gastroenterology
  • Gerontology (geriatric specialist)
  • Gynecology
  • Hematology (blood specialist)
  • Hepatology (liver specialist)
  • Infectious Disease
  • Nephrology (kidney specialist)
  • Neurology**
  • Neurosurgery
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopedics
  • Pain Management
  • Pediatrics
  • Pediatric Cardiology
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Psychiatry
  • Pulmonology** (lung specialist)
  • Rheumatology**
  • Surgery
  • Toxicology/Poison Control
  • Urology (urinary system specialist)

**Only follow-up appointments may use telemedicine site.  Initial visits must be done in person.