Southwest Virginia Community Health Systems’ New Day Recovery (NDR) Saltville had Christmas’ most prominent figure, Santa Claus, visit with patients and their families on Monday, December 11, 2023.
New Day Recovery Saltville, Behavioral Health Care Manager, Hannah Call, stated, “It was heartwarming to see all of the community engagement and the happy, smiling faces.”
New Day Recovery Saltville had 40 patients and guests visit with their families for an evening of fellowship with homemade hot chocolate and cookies, along with wrapped presents for all the children present. Children and their families were also allowed to receive a picture with Santa Claus that was made into an ornament.
New Day Recovery’s Behavioral Health Supervisor, Morgan Trogdon, LCSW, CSAC, said, “The event went fantastic!”
Trogdon goes on to state that community events have a positive impact on patients’ recovery and for the community as a whole.
“Community events are beneficial for all involved as I feel that whenever the community comes together this allows for everyone to benefit from support and networking,” Trogdon said.
A significant amount of gifts was donated from an anonymous donor, as well as other individuals and the Masons of the Saltville Masonic Lodge. The Masons also generously donated funds to be able to purchase gift certificates, ornaments for the children, and Christmas items.
New Day Recovery’s (NDR) Behavioral Health Program Manager, Melissa Doane-Williams’, stated, “The NDR team worked diligently organizing this event. We are so thrilled to have community supporters that help make events like this possible.”
Southwest Virginia Community Health Systems has locations in Saltville, Meadowview, Tazewell, and Bristol and New Day Recovery locations in Saltville, Bristol, and Tazewell. To schedule an appointment, please contact 276-496-4492.